Laser treatments for targeted area. Time will only allow for one body part. You will be allowed to relax in our luxurious treatment room, while we work our magic with laser and lymphatic massage & even a little wood therapy your melt desire fat in targeted area.
Who is not eligible for services? Conditions that may be excluded for treatment, although a Consultation always recommended:Â Allergy to ultrasound gel Breastfeeding Broken bones Cancer( or recovering from) Cuts & abrasions Deep bruising Diabetes During menstruation Epilepsy Fever Heart conditions High cholesterol High/low blood pressure HIV/AIDS Immediately after pregnancy(wait 3 months) Liver disease Metal implants Thrombosis Thyroid disease
Cancellation Policy
If cancellation does not occur within 24 hours before the session is to start, clients you will be charged your deposit fee No Exceptions. No refunds, retainer will be charged in house, for pre-booking your next appointment. If you are late, you will cut into your session time. If you are 15 minutes late we will cancel your appointment time